A surefire way to break a Mama’s heart?
Write a note like this during rest time and tape it to a favorite picture:

“William misses Annie.  I want her to come back.”

It stopped me cold.  Because we all feel it.
This missing her doesn’t get any easier.  We all long for her to be here.

He gave me a little smirk when he gave it to me and I recognized the look.
It’s the look I feel on my own face when I try to describe how I feel.  There just aren’t any words and whatever words I use seem inadequate somehow.

And as I was taking a picture of his note, I glanced over and saw Kate’s paper from church.  She had learned about this story* and retold it to me famously.  But as I looked at it next to William’s note, I couldn’t help but feel like the man who had been beat up.

Sometimes I just want to wrap myself in bandages because I am hurting so deeply.  And I wonder if this bleeding of my life will ever end.

Will I heal?
What will my scar be like?
Do I trust the Holy Spirit with my wounds?

And then, I read just the words I need:

All praise to the God and Father of our Master, 
Jesus the Messiah! 
Father of all mercy! 
God of all healing counsel!
2 Corinthians 1:3
*Kate’s story was verbatim with one exception.  She told me the Samaritan took the wounded man to the nearest condo.  A modern twist! 🙂